How Almonds Benefit Your Skin

Most of us know that eating a daily dose of almonds is great for the overall body. Almonds are known to improve brain funcitoning, promote weight loss, help the digestive system, strengthen bones & prevent diabetes. What's less known of a fact is that almonds are also excellent for the skin. Almonds contain a high … Continue reading How Almonds Benefit Your Skin

Acne Face Mask: Oatmeal & Honey

Oatmeal and honey are an excellent combination of ingredients to treat acne. Oatmeal has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties that a) absorb oil b) calm acne c) fight irritation d) moisturize and e) exfoliate the skin. Similarly, honey also contains natural healing properties that a) treat acne b) reduce redness c) calm inflammation d) prevent … Continue reading Acne Face Mask: Oatmeal & Honey

11 Tips For Flawless Skin

Drink Water: Water keeps the skin hydrated, supple, acne free and wrinkle free. Use Sunscreen: Sunscreen prevents premature aging, skin cancer, discoloration, pigmentation & sunburns. Moisturize Daily: Moisturizing prevents dry skin, blemishes, breakouts & wrinkles. Be Active: Physical exercise increases blood flow throughout the body which helps produce new healthy skin cells. Stay Happy: Laughing … Continue reading 11 Tips For Flawless Skin